Mickoski's partner: let's harness the US against Bulgaria

Trayanov again criticised the previous government of the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) and the Democratic Union for Integration (DSI), as well as the so-called "French proposal" it adopted.

"The way out of such a situation is to negotiate US support. They can put pressure on the new government in Bulgaria and open up some issues, if nothing else. The language must be official after the adoption, there must be a conclusion in the EU Council on identity issues that they cannot be grounds for blocking, and thirdly, the process of implementing the Strasbourg court rulings on the rights of Macedonians must begin," he said.

Regarding the European requirement for constitutional changes, Pavle Trayanov argued that "at the moment there is no proper climate in North Macedonia for it to be pushed through". The BGNES correspondent recalls that Trayanov's party also participates in the government of Zoran Zaev.

Trayanov is currently the national coordinator for the fight against terrorism in North Macedonian Council of Ministers. He was also minister of interior in the first cabinet of Ljubcho Georgievski.

Last year, on August 17, former Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said that there was a deputy in the Skopje parliament who came from the sinister state security of Yugoslav dictator Tito's UDBA.

 "And to this day in our parliament there is a deputy who comes from the ranks of UDBA. What positions do you want him to defend. Should our country be a member of the EU? He has built his entire career fighting for Macedonia not to be part of the EU! You cannot expect him to bring Macedonia into the EU. Only young politicians can take our country forward," said Dimitar Kovacevski. According to local observers, Kovacevski was referring specifically to Pavle Trayanov. | BGNES