Mickoski announced the composition of the cabinet

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, submitted to the parliament the proposed composition of the government.

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, submitted to the parliament the proposed composition of the government. He expects this item to be included in the agenda on June 22-23.
"Citizens expect quick results. To fulfill the promise. We haven't promised much. The country has finally been liberated and will be returned to the citizens. We have a group of people who are extremely motivated to achieve results right away", Hristijan Mickoski said at a press conference after the presentation of the composition of the government, consisting of VMRO-DPMNE, ZNAM and VLEN/VREDI.

He said that young people leave because they have no future and that perception can change if they leave their hearts on the pitch.

There will be 20 ministers in the new cabinet, of which 15 will be from VMRO-DPMNE.

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Timcho Mutsunski 
Minister of Transport and Deputy Prime Minister - Alexander Nikolovski 
Minister of Defense - Vlado Misailovski 
Minister of Finance - Gordana Dimitrievska Kochovska 
Minister of Local Self-Government - Zlatko Perinski 
Minister of Information Society and Digital Transformation - Stefan Andonovski 
Minister of Sports - Borko Ristovski 
Minister of Energy, Mining and Mineral Resources - Sanya Bozhinovska 
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water - Tsvetan Tripunoski 
Minister of Culture and Tourism - Zoran Lyutkov 
Minister of the Interior - Panche Toshkovski 
Minister of Education and Science - Vesna Yanevska 
Minister of the Political System and Deputy Prime Minister - Lyupcho Dimovski (Socialist Party)
Minister of Community Relations and Deputy Prime Minister - Ivan Stoilkovic (Democratic Party of the Serbs)
Minister without portfolio responsible for integration and the Roma Decade - Shaban Saliu 
The remaining ministries are divided between representatives of the coalition partners - the Albanian coalition VLEN/VREDI and the ZNAM Movement.
Minister of the Environment and Territorial Planning and Deputy Prime Minister - Izet Medjiti
The Minister of Health - Arben Taravari
The Minister of Social Policy, Demography and Youth - Fatmir Limani
The Minister of Economy, Besar Durmishi
Minister without portfolio and Deputy Prime Minister responsible for effective governance - Arben Fettai
Minister of Justice - Igor Filkov (ZNAM)
Minister of State Administration - Goran Minchev (ZNAM)

The vote for the new government is expected to take place this weekend. The parliamentary session to elect a new government is expected to be scheduled by Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi for Saturday, June 22, at 11 a.m. and to end no later than midnight on Sunday.
In the parliamentary elections held on May 8, VMRO-DPMNE won 58 deputies, VLEN - 14, and ZNAM - six. The three parties have a majority of 78 deputies in the 120-seat parliament. | BGNES