Meloni in Belgrade: It is important for the Western Balkans to join the European family

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic held a meeting in Belgrade to discuss bilateral relations.

Vucic told a press conference later that Italy is objectively and fundamentally approaching the solution of the problems in the region, while Meloni pointed out that Belgrade has the support of Rome on the European path, as well as that it supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

The Serbian president expressed hope that in the future Italy will return to the first place as an economic and trade partner of his country, linking this return of Italy to the first place to the moment when "Stellantis will start producing the electric Panda in Kragujevac".

"Europe cannot be said to be united until the Western Balkans complete their accession: integration is essential to guarantee security and economic growth." Prime Minister Georgia Meloni said this in Belgrade, during joint statements with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. "Italy is among the main supporters of the unification of Europe," Meloni added. "Italy and Serbia, especially recently, have increased the number of bilateral initiatives: we are ready to resume intergovernmental dialogue."

The value "of our exchange can grow: there is already a lot of Italy in Serbia," the prime minister stressed.

Meloni stressed that the fight against illegal immigration, as far as the Balkan route is concerned, is "a goal that Rome and Belgrade share". She added: "I want to thank Serbia for its efforts in this direction. We are convinced that our energy should be redirected to the external dimension, which is a central element for us in the fight against illegal immigration."

Serbia is grateful to Italy for the significant support it provides in the European path undertaken by Belgrade, Aleksandar Vucic pointed out. "We discussed the European path of Serbia" and I am grateful to the Prime Minister for the essential support that Italy provided," he added. The Serbian head of state expressed special gratitude to Meloni, "who always wanted to hear our opinion, what Serbia had to say . In fact, Prime Minister Meloni "represents a leader not only on a European but I would say on a global level and he demonstrates it with

As for economic and trade relations, the Serbian president emphasized that trade has reached 4.6 billion euros and expressed hope that "it can reach a higher level in the future." /BGNES