Macedonian Railways: Mitskoski lies about Corridor 8 problems

The state enterprise "Railway Infrastructure" of North Macedonia /JRSM Infrastructure/ refuted the claims of Prime Minister Hristiyan Mitskoski and Minister of Transport Alexander Nikoloski about the "enormous shortcomings" of the railway project from Corridor 8 to the border with Bulgaria, BGNES reported.

Minister Alexander Nikoloski, Mickoski's right-hand man, stated a few days ago that Bulgaria has no desire to complete the infrastructure with Skopje and added:

"The first disadvantage is that it passes through the town of Kriva Palanka and 20 houses have to be demolished. Second, given that it passes through a mountain belt, the trains will not be able to move at more than 60 km per hour, and the point is to get there faster. Third, it ends in a tunnel that doesn't lead anywhere on the other side. It's true that Gueshevo has a railway, but we can't connect it." Nikoloski emphasized that the project is financially unprofitable for RSM.

Funding is provided through over EUR 150 million from the Western Balkans Investment Framework (VBIF), a grant from the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) in the amount of EUR 60.765 million, as well as two loans from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD) and European Investment Bank (EIB) 175 million euros each.

Mickoski himself announced that it is madness for Skopje to spend 500 million euros on the strategic infrastructure section.

However, ŽRSM Infrastructure denied 100% the findings of Nikoloski and Mickoski.

"They (statements) represent manipulation of the public or ignorance of the problem. In connection with the false grandiose statement about the cost of a kilometer of railway, we clarify that the indicated amount is not an estimate, but a financial construction of the project. It does not refer only to the cost of kilometer of railway, and up to five components of the project, namely: technical assistance, supervisory engineer, construction works, signaling and telecommunications, as well as electrification of 89 km from Kumanovo to the border with Bulgaria.The estimated cost of the project for the construction of the new railway section from Kriva Palanka to the border with the Republic of Bulgaria was prepared by renowned international consulting companies, hired through grant mechanisms, supported by our international strategic partners, and not by ŽRSM Infrastructure. The demolition of the 20 houses in Kriva Palanka and the relocation of the residents will carried out after a public discussion already in 2023 and is completely legal," the announcement says.

Strategic Corridor 8 should connect Italy, Albania, North Macedonia and Bulgaria. Construction works started already in October 2022.

BGNES reminds that both Alexander Nikoloski and Hristijan Mickoski support the prioritization of the transport link Belgrade-Skopje-Thessaloniki - part of Corridor 10.

The Macedonian prime minister said earlier that part of Corridor 8 "ends up in a dead end, in a half-tunnel, without predictability" and called for funding to be redirected. | BGNES