Macedonian bishop: I am more Serbian in heart and soul

The Macedonian Bishop Petar made a public confession that he loves the Serbs more than his own laity in North Macedonia, reported a BGNES reporter.
In pure Serbian language during the service in the Serbian church in Tuzla, Republika Srpska, in the presence of the Serbian bishop Fotij, the bishop said the following:
"Today in practice we proved that the love between us is here. Today I feel more with you than with my believers. This something is felt deeply, not in words, on the faces, on the souls".
The Macedonian bishop also made a few more confessions: I have never severed ties with the Serbian Orthodox Church. "My whole youth was spent in Serbia, including as a student at the Faculty of Theology in Belgrade," he added.
Peter announced that he was personally invited by the Serbian Patriarch Porfiry to offer a prayer service in memory of the Serbs who died in Bratunac.
The BGNES reporter recalls that just a few days ago, the Serbian patriarch personally mentioned as "victims ethnic Serbs" who committed some of the biggest war crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
At the beginning of the month, on Peter's personal initiative, one of the faces of the Serbian assimilation of Macedonia between the two world wars was proclaimed a saint in Bitola. Last month he publicly declared himself a "Macedonian ancient patriot".
Petar personally organized the "protests against the opening of the Bulgarian clubs in the city", including blockades upon the arrival of the Bulgarian delegation from Sofia there. /BGNES