Kurti to EU: Dialogue with Vucic only after prison for Belgrade terrorists

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti reminded the European Union and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic of the three conditions for continuing the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue, BGNES reported.

On June 26, the two leaders and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, were due to meet in Brussels, but the plans fell through.

Kurti sent a message to the Union through his political advisor Yeton Zulfai.

"The prime minister (Kurti) did not meet with Vucic, and the reasons are clear. The last tripartite meeting took place on September 14, 2023. Just ten days later, a paramilitary group sponsored and trained by Serbia carried out a terrorist attack in the village of Banska." Zulfay recalled.

Nine months later, the terrorists and their leader Milan Radojcic are at large under the protection of Serbia. In December 2023, former Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic sent a letter to the European External Action Service / EEAS / in which he stated that the Basic Agreement is neither acceptable nor legally binding for Serbia," he added, quoted by "KoSSev".

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti demanded three conditions to be fulfilled by Belgrade.

1. Signing of the Basic Agreement; 2. Withdrawal of the letter to the EEAS and 3; Surrender of Milan Radojcic and the entire terrorist group to justice.

"Ultimately, these should have been demands of the EU, not of Kosovo," emphasized Yeton Zulfai.

The failure of the June 26 meeting was confirmed by Vucic after his meetings with Borel and the EU's special envoy for dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, Miroslav Lajcak. .

"There was no meeting with Kurti because Kurti did not want or dare - ask him - to meet with me and talk. I believe that you will learn more about this from the Europeans," said Vucic.

He emphasized that he returned three times to the meeting with Borrell and Lajczak, who relayed Kurti's messages to him, to which he responded. | BGNES