Kurti: Serbia uses Putin's methods against Kosovo

Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said Serbia is using the methods of Russian President Vladimir Putin, posing a threat not only to Kosovo and the Balkan region, but also to its own citizens following the recent arrest of two Kosovo citizens by Serbian authorities.

At the first meeting of his government this year, Kurti accused Serbia of unjust, deliberate and malicious arrests of Kosovo citizens and torture of its own citizens, KoSSev reported.

"Serbia not only poses a threat to our citizens, our security, regional stability in the Balkans, but has recently shown that it also poses a threat to its own citizens, who are ready to apologize for the Serbian genocide in Kosovo... Serbia continues the Putin path, from intimidation to inhuman torture of political opponents," Kurti told his ministers.

The prime minister recalled the brutal beating and arrest of Serbian Republican Party leader Nikola Sandulovic, who was detained last week in Nis.

Kurti stressed that the Serbian state "not only beat him, but also brought charges of inciting hatred after he bowed at the grave of 7-year-old Blerina Jasari, who was killed by Serbian forces three decades ago." /BGNES