Kurti pressed von der Leyen for Radojcic's extradition and sanctions against Serbia

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti thanked European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for her commitment to Kosovo's European agenda.

Von der Leyen visited Kosovo as part of his tour of the Balkans. She met first with President Vyosa Osmani. After the meeting with Osman, Von der Leyen met with Kurti.

During the meeting with von der Leyen, Kurti spoke about the September 24 terrorist attack in Banska, in which police sergeant Afrim Bunyaku was killed. Kurti stressed to von der Leyen the importance of extraditing Milan Radojcic, who has admitted to being the mastermind of the attack, the prime minister's statement said.

"Welcoming her to the government building and to the capital of the republic, Prime Minister Kurti thanked the President of the European Commission Von der Leyen for her commitment to the European program in Kosovo, informing her about the results of the government so far, about the latest events on the ground , on the meeting with European leaders on October 26 and on Kosovo's position regarding the EU-US proposal to implement Article 7 linked to Article 10 of the Basic Agreement.He also informed about the various infrastructure projects, including those that already have the financial support of the European Union, but also for other projects that can benefit from the support, such as the one for the Pristina-Dura railway line.In relation to the terrorist, paramilitary and criminal attack of September 24, Prime Minister Kurti stressed the importance and necessity from the extradition of Milan Radojcic to Kosovo, where he will face a fair and just trial for his actions, and at the same time the need for sanctions against Serbia to prevent the recurrence of such attacks," the statement said.

The EU Development Plan for the Western Balkans and the Common Regional Market were also discussed at the meeting. /BGNES