Kurti: Milan Radojčić's terrorist group is preparing new attacks against Kosovo

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, warned of the reorganization of the terrorist group of the former Vice President of "Serbska Lista" Milan Radojcic, who was the main organizer of the terrorist attack on September 24 in the village of Banska, Northern Kosovo, BGNES reported.

Kurti announced that Serbia has deployed anti-aircraft systems near the border with Kosovo. He added that on November 10, Radojčić met with 40 Serbian politicians, including the director of the Office for Kosovo in the Serbian government, Petar Petković. The purpose of the meeting was mobilization in support of the ruling Serbian Progressive Party and President Vucic in view of the upcoming elections on December 17. According to Albin Kurti, the aim is to blackmail the Kosovo Serbs into supporting Vucic's formation.

The Kosovo Prime Minister also asked the NATO Force in Kosovo (KFOR), the European Union Mission (EULEX) and the EU to issue a public report acknowledging the act of aggression against Kosovo and the crime committed by Serbia on September 24, as well as condemning the reorganization of Radojcic's paramilitary group.

BGNES reminds that on September 24, a Serbian armed group carried out an attack in the village of Banska, in which a Kosovo policeman was killed. Subsequently, the Kosovo police discovered a number of caches with a huge amount of weapons, which were believed to have been prepared for future similar attacks.

"Serbia has not yet withdrawn all troops and artillery from the vicinity of the territory of Kosovo. It continues to threaten the security of Kosovo with the forward operating bases of the armed forces along the border with our country. In addition, Serbia has deployed anti-aircraft systems near the border," Albin Kurti wrote in X.

The Prime Minister of Kosovo emphasized that the threat posed by Russia and Serbia to stability, peace and regional security is becoming more and more noticeable. Kurti is adamant that Moscow aims to stoke a fire and a new crisis in the EU's backyard as Serbia pursues its appetite for foreign territories through the so-called "Serbian World".

"The lack of sanctions against Serbia raises the threat level in the Western Balkans. The leaders of the terrorist group, instead of facing justice, are preparing for new attacks on Kosovo and gathering votes by blackmailing the Kosovo Serbs," Kurti said. /BGNES