Kurti: Kosovo and Bulgaria have same democratic orientations

Kosovo Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, said at the reception organized by the Embassy of Bulgaria in Kosovo that ‘the friendship between Kosovo and Bulgaria and the institutional cooperation between our countries are now the official policies of our two countries, announced and widely discussed in official meetings and with the heads of the Bulgarian state’.

“Our country, Kosovo, and our allied country, Bulgaria, are also united by our orientation towards democracy and the rule of law, at a time when the autocrats of the region are being encouraged to endanger democratic values,” said the Prime Minister.

He also reminded that this year Kosovo will mark the 25th anniversary of liberation and, on this occasion, he thanked Bulgaria for opening its airspace to NATO aircraft in 1999 during the bombing campaign over Serbia.

“Also, Kosovo has not forgotten that it was the Bulgarian authorities who first discovered Operation “Horseshoe” – Serbia’s plan for the ethnic cleansing of Albanians from Kosovo. Days of National Liberation, such as the day of the Liberation of Bulgaria and the day of the Liberation of Kosovo that we will mark in June, are occasions in which we must also remember the history of how our peoples were freed, because remembering how we won our freedom, we will also know how to protect it”, said Kurti.