Kovachevski: In 2008, instead of Europeanization, we got fake antiquity

"The country should not repeat the mistake it made in 2008, when the then government, instead of looking 100 years ahead, decided to look back 2300 years. Instead of a Europeanization of the state, we got a false antiquity of the state, and people walking around the airport dressed like the phalanx of Alexander the Great. It was science fiction, cultural, historical, financial engineering that was done here on one square kilometer," North-Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacheski said at the parliamentary affairs meeting, BGNES reported.

"The Negotiating Framework stipulates that the Second Intergovernmental Conference will be held when our country fulfills its obligation to include parts of nations in the Constitution, including the Bulgarian people," said the Macedonian Prime Minister.

"North Macedonia will become a member of the EU. With a pro-European government like this, led by the SDSM, in a short time, by 2030, I will be a member of the EU," Kovacevski added.

"For 15 months, we had a successful screening that showed that our state has the capacity to carry out a process that many did not believe. We have received an assessment from the EU that we have successfully screened. Today we are proud of a NATO member country, we are proud of a country negotiating with the EU, we are proud of a country presiding over the OSCE," concluded the head of government./BGNES