Hristijan Mickoski is the new Prime Minister of North Macedonia

Hristijan Mickoski is the new Prime Minister of North Macedonia. His government was supported by 77 deputies, 22 voted "against", there were no abstentions, BGNES reported.
Mickoski took the oath in the parliament using the country's constitutional name - North Macedonia.
"I will perform the function of Prime Minister conscientiously and responsibly and I will respect the Constitution and laws of the Republic of North Macedonia," he said.
The government coalition consists of VMRO-DPMNE, the Albanian coalition VLEN/Vredi and the ZNAM movement, which have a majority of 78 people's representatives in the 120-seat parliament.
Deputies from the former ruling party Social Democratic Union /SDSM/ and the Left voted against the government, and deputies from the European Front (Democratic Union for Integration) left the meeting shortly before the vote.
Immediately before receiving the support of the majority, Mitskoski addressed the opposition and vowed that "the Bulgarian diktat will not pass."
"Your thesis that we say one thing about the Prespa Treaty and do another is not only false and shameful," he said.
"Let me explain one more thing. The Bulgarian diktat will not pass while I am prime minister. This should be clear to you. You made a mistake. This mistake will cost every single citizen of Macedonia, but it will cost Macedonia the most because before you enter in such adventures you had to sit down and give us a hand to sit down and talk. It was clear that this work, as conceived by you or by anyone else, would not go like this. I will say the shameful adjective (meaning "North "), because it makes me think of the disgrace you have brought to my homeland, my family, my children, my unborn grandchildren and those after them. At this point, I too, as a human, will have to capitulate to you and say this a shameful adjective because unfortunately it is part of the Constitution that as Prime Minister I have to uphold.My daily job will be to do better, to work conscientiously, not to let the citizens down despite the chaos you have left behind. This will be my struggle," said the new Prime Minister of the North Macedonia.
"You will see what labor means to people. We promise that in the first 100 days we will raise the standards. That is why in the first 100 days we are starting furiously, with optimism, but also with great hope," he added.
The new government has 24 members, including the prime minister, 20 of whom have portfolios. 15 of them are proposals of VMRO-DPMNE. The remaining ministries are distributed between representatives of the coalition partners.
Prime Minister - Hristian Mickoski
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Timcho Mutsunski
Minister of Transport and Deputy Prime Minister - Alexander Nikolovski
Minister of Defense - Vlado Misailovski
Minister of Finance - Gordana Dimitrievska Kochovska
Minister of Local Self-Government - Zlatko Perinski
Minister of Information Society and Digital Transformation - Stefan Andonovski
Minister of Sports - Borko Ristovski
Minister of Energy, Mining and Mineral Resources - Sanya Bozhinovska
Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water - Tsvetan Tripunoski
Minister of Culture and Tourism - Zoran Lyutkov
Minister of Internal Affairs - Panche Toshkovski
Minister of Education and Science - Vesna Yanevska
Minister of the Political System and Deputy Prime Minister - Lyupcho Dimovski
Minister of Community Relations and Deputy Prime Minister - Ivan Stoilkovic
Minister of Integration and Implementation of the Roma Decade - Shaban Saliu
From the Albanian coalition VLEN, Izet Medjiti will be deputy prime minister, and Arben Taravari - minister of health; Fatmir Limani - Minister of Social Policy, Demography and Youth, Besar Turmishi - Minister of Economy; and Minister without portfolio and Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the legal order Arben Fetai.
From the ZNAM movement, Igor Filipov will be the minister of justice, and Goran Minchev - of the state administration. | BGNES