Greek media: Mickoski's statements are a new provocation

The statement by the leader of VMRO-DPMNE, Hristiyan Mickoski, caused reactions in the Greek media, which commented that this is "a new provocation from North Macedonia", that the future prime minister "follows the line of President Siljanovska", and the news is one of the main topics this evening in the online editions of the media, reported BGNES.

"North Macedonia: The provocative chairman of VMRO - I will call my country what I want, if you don't like it, go to The Hague"; "After Siljanovska and Mickoski provoked: I will call my country Macedonia, if you want, we are going to The Hague"; "Hristijan Mickoski: It is my right to call my country Macedonia - provocative statements of the leader of VMRO"; "North Macedonia: I will call my country what I want, says the chairman of VMRO"; "North Macedonia: new provocation from the prime minister: I will call my country what I want", are some of the headlines in the Greek media.

In the text under the title "Northern Macedonia: And the leader of VMRO insists on the term "Macedonia"; ANA-MPA relays Mickoski's statement and the position that "if Greece thinks we are violating the Prespa agreement, it should go to the International Court of Justice".
"Mickoski also said that the constitutional name will be used in communication within the institutions and between the institutions of his country, but in statements to journalists or in speeches it is his personal right to use Macedonia and encourages the president to do the same with the country," wrote the Greek news agency, which also quoted Mickoski as saying that "they, like New Democracy, don't like the Prespa Agreement."

"After the provocative attitude of the president of North Macedonia and the chairman of the radical right-wing VMRO, Hristiyan Mickoski, who, it seems, will be the new prime minister of the country, kept the same line, violating the Prespa Agreement, commented the "In" information portal.

The electronic edition of the "To Vima" newspaper comments that "Mitskoski does not see any violation of the Prespa Agreement" and also reports in detail the statements of the chairman of VMRO-DPMNE and future prime minister.
"Kathimerini" informs that "the leader of the center-right nationalist party VMRO-DPMNE in North Macedonia, Hristijan Mickoski, will use the term "Macedonia" instead of the country's constitutional name, following in the footsteps of the new president of North Macedonia, Gordana Siljanovska." Mickoski praised her stance as "worthy" of naming their country as "Macedonia", the paper added.

At the same time, the media in Greece also quoted the attitude of Mickoski, that he expects to see the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. /BGNES