Gordana Siljanovska was sworn in as the president of 'Macedonia'

Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova was sworn in as the president of 'Macedonia', BGNES reported.

Siljanovska did not use the official name - Republic of North Macedonia when taking the oath.

"I declare that I will conscientiously and responsibly fulfill the function of the president of Macedonia, respecting the constitution and the laws," she told the parliament.

The university professor will be the country's sixth president and the first woman elected to the post.

Siljanovska won the presidential election in the second round of the presidential vote, which took place on May 8. She convincingly defeated the previous head of state, Stevo Pendarovski, nominated by the Social Democratic Union /SDSM/.

In all likelihood, Siljanovska's first decree will be to hand over a mandate to form a new RSM government - to VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristiyan Mitskoski.

Over the years, Prof. Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova has been an opponent of the Prespa Agreement between Macedonia and Greece, which resolved the dispute over the name of the Republic of Macedonia, and Athens supported Skopje for NATO and the EU.

Siljanovska is also against the Treaty of Friendship with Bulgaria from 2017. She spoke out against the law to expand the use of the Albanian language in 2018. In the framework of this year's election campaign, she firmly followed the anti-Bulgarian political line.

She was born on May 11, 1953 in Ohrid, then Yugoslavia. In 1973, he completed his secondary education in the capital Skopje. In 1978, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Skopje, and in 1993 he defended his doctorate in law in Ljubljana.

Siljanovska's career in Macedonian institutions is rich. From 1990 to 1992, she was a member of the constitutional commission in the Macedonian parliament. The professor was a member of the Venice Commission from 2008 to 2016. In the period 1992-1994, he was a minister without portfolio in the first cabinet of Branko Crvenkovski - a member of the Presidency of the Union of Communists in Macedonia since 1990, known for his anti-Bulgarian views.

Powers of the Macedonian President

The President of the Republic of North Macedonia represents the state and is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Exercises its rights and duties based on and within the framework of the Constitution and laws and is elected in general and immediate elections by secret ballot for a term of five years.

Before taking office, the president of the republic makes a solemn declaration to the assembly, with which he undertakes to respect the constitution and the laws. In case of death, resignation, permanent inability to perform the function or termination of the mandate under the Constitution, until the election of a new President of the Republic, the function of the President of the Republic is performed by the Speaker of the Parliament. The occurrence of the conditions for termination of the office of the President of the Republic is determined by the Constitutional Court ex officio. /BGNES