EU to Skopje: Include Bulgarians in the Constitution, Mitkoski will not get a better deal

EU Ambassador to Skopje David Geer urged the government of Christian Mitkoski not to delay the inclusion of Bulgarians in the Constitution, BGNES repoted.

"There is already a decision on the table on constitutional changes and the European Union is looking forward to progress towards that decision," Geer said in an interview with Radio Free Europe.

The European ambassador doubts that "the new government in North Macedonia can conclude a better agreement with Bulgaria."

Geer stressed that there is no will in Brussels to change the negotiating framework. For him it is absurd to have only party officials, without competence and meritocracy.

Regarding constitutional changes, he pointed out that the decision is already on the table.

"On the constitutional amendments, we already have a decision. The negotiation process was not easy for either side, compromises were made. And as a result it was probably the best deal that could have been done at the time. Whether this government can do a better deal, I personally doubt very much. Of course, that is a matter between the two governments, but I very much doubt that it can be achieved. And I don't see the appetite in Brussels to revisit the negotiating framework. As I said, there is a solution on the table, it would be good to move towards that solution," Geer said.

On the €500 million loan to the new Macedonian government from Hungary, Geer did not want to comment because he "has not seen it and is not even "sure it is fully completed yet". | BGNES