EU to North Macedonia' PM: Good neighbourly relations are key

European Union Ambassador to Skopje David Gere stressed to Prime Minister Christian Mitkoski the importance of good neighbourly relations, BGNES reported.

The two spoke on 27 June in the Macedonian capital.

"I welcomed the commitment to progress towards European Union /EU/ membership," Gere wrote on the social network X.

"We discussed necessary reforms, opportunities for North Macedonia thanks to the EU Growth Plan for the Western Balkans and the importance of promoting good neighbourly relations," he added.

The North Macedonian government press office wrote:

"Prime Minister Mitkoski underlined the importance of the European Union's support for the country's reform processes and stability, saying that the government will continue to work together with the EU in the spirit of partnership and common values. Ambassador Gere reaffirmed the Union's commitment to continue the excellent cooperation with North Macedonia and expressed readiness to support key reforms and projects foreseen in the next period." | БГНЕС