Erdogan promises 'overhaul' of local governance in 'Turkey's Century'

Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to usher in a new era in municipal services with his administration's "Century of Turkey" vision ahead of local elections on March 31.

"Turkey's century will mark a new dawn for our cities with groundbreaking advances in municipal services," Erdogan announced to supporters in Istanbul.

Underscoring the challenges facing the nation, Erdogan again raised the issue of "the threat posed by terrorist organizations such as PKK, FETO and ISIS".

"We have overcome these threats with God's help and the unwavering support of our nation," the Turkish president was quoted as saying by Hurriyet newspaper.

Upcoming local elections, especially in Istanbul, were the focal point of Erdogan's rally speech, with criticism aimed at the current administration led by Ekrem Imamoglu of the main opposition Republican People's Party (RPP).

“Unfortunately, the local government movement that we started 30 years ago in Istanbul has stalled in the last five years and even reversed. Because those who are supposed to run the city are busy with everything but Istanbul, they have not even been able to maintain the projects they undertook, let alone start new ones,” Erdogan said.

"Governing Istanbul is not a part-time job... Either you serve Istanbul or you ignore this city," the head of state emphasized.

With Imamoğlu re-announced as the RNP candidate, it is paramount for Erdogan that Istanbul be won by his Justice and Development Party (AKP). The slogan "Istanbul again" is central to the election campaign of the rulers.

"Our first priority for Istanbul is preparing for earthquakes," Erdogan said, promising to discuss the issue with Murat Kurum, a former environment minister who is the AKP's nominee for mayor of the metropolis.

The pledge comes amid heightened concern following the devastating earthquakes that struck southern Turkey last year, killing more than 53,000. Experts warn of a looming threat of a strong earthquake in the Marmara region. /BGNES