EPP Spokesperson: The recent statements by the government of North Macedonia violate international law

The recent statements by the government of North Macedonia violate international law

This is said in a joint position concerning the recent public statements by the new government of the Republic of North Macedonia by spokesperson of the EPP Group for Enlargement and Southern Neighbourhood Andrey Kovatchev and EPP MP Manolis Kefalogiannis.

Here is the whole statement:

According to Prime Minister Mickoski: "unanimity in EU decision-making can be circumvented as only in the last months two or three decisions have been taken without unanimity". We would like to reiterate that the principle of unanimity in the enlargement policy has been stipulated in the Treaty of the EU and it has been laid down in the negotiating frameworks of all previous and current enlargements. Without the clear support of the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Bulgaria and all Member States, enlargement is not possible. The recent statements by the government of North Macedonia violate international law, align with third parties' malicious interests to undermine human rights institutions, and reveal its role as a tool for destabilizing the Balkans and sowing discord among NATO allies.

The Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Bulgaria expect from their Western Balkans partners to respect international law, agreements and treaties, promote good neighbourly relations, and show progress on the reform agenda with the emphasis on the rule of law, democracy and human rights including the rights of persons belonging to national communities. These are all indispensable prerequisites in the enlargement process.

The positions of the Hellenic Republic and the Republic of Bulgaria have been clearly defined by decisions from their National Parliaments. Such positions express the will of the citizens of both countries regarding the neighbouring country's process of fulfilling the EU membership criteria, under the condition that the neighbouring country aligns with EU standards in the field of human rights and implements in good faith the international commitments it has undertaken.

Abstention from unilateral actions and divisive rhetoric, the faithful adoption of the European acquis, the recognition of the supremacy of International Law, and the full implementation of international agreements, are of essential importance for ensuring stability, security, and prosperity in the region and the integration of candidate countries into the European family. Concessions on fundamental principles are not acceptable.” | BGNES