EP votes for visa liberalization for Serbian passports in Kosovo

The European Parliament votes to liberalize the visa regime for Kosovo citizens holding Serbian passports. This concludes the procedure in the European Parliament (EP). But it is not final.

At the last plenary session of the current European Parliament in Strasbourg, visa liberalization for holders of Serbian passports from Kosovo issued by the Coordination Administration of Serbia was approved.

Of the 597 Members present in the Chamber, 406 voted in favor, 97 voted against and 94 abstained.

Consent is now required in the form of confirmation of the decision by the Council of Ministers of the European Union by qualified majority, after which it will enter into force following its publication in the Official Journal.

Holders of these passports have been exempted from visa liberalization since the abolition of visas for Serbian citizens in December 2009, when Serbia received visa liberalization.

At the beginning of the year, visa liberalization also entered into force for Kosovo passports. / BGNES