Dodik: I will smear the American ambassador like a trinket

The claims and explanation about the new US sanctions are a complete lie. I'm going to punch the American ambassador in Sarajevo, Michael Murphy. This was said by the President of the Republika Srpska, Milorad Dodik, in the Bosnian publication "Dnevni abaz", reported BGNES.

Two days ago, the American Embassy in Sarajevo announced the new sanctions imposed on companies and individuals connected to Milorad Dodik's family. The Office for the Control of Foreign Assets of the Ministry of Finance (SCCA) identified 7 legal entities (Infinity International Group, Prointer, Kaldera, Infinity Media, K-2 Audio Services, Una World Network and Sirius 2010) and two individuals (Gorje Djuric and Milenko Čičić ), who provide the main sources of income for Milorad Dodik's patronage corruption network. According to the information, Dodik abused his official position to acquire personal wealth through companies related to him and his son Igor Dodik.

"A lot of lies, a lot of assumptions. A lie cannot be politics," said Dodik and pointed to the current American ambassador to BiH, whom he called various offensive names, as the person most responsible for his persecution. Dodik even threatened to deal with him physically, pointing out how he trained in boxing.

"I can break it like a rattle. In two minutes," said the RS leader. To the journalist's remark that Murphy was not in the same boxing class, Dodik replied that he was "a big enough fool".

Regarding the UN resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, Dodik said it was politicized. According to him, "a crime was committed there". He expressed his "regret and condolences to the families of the victims."

In May, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution commemorating the 1995 genocide against the Bosniaks of Srebrenica, calling for respect for the victims and the facts established by court decisions, and for the establishment of an international day to commemorate this crime. Bulgaria was among the initiators of the resolution. | BGNES