Dimitar Ruskov: 100 days of Mickoski's government - 100 slaps for North Macedonia, poor grade for Skopje from EU

The "freedom fighter" Hristijan Mickoski entered with a mighty stride on the doorstep of the prime minister's office in Skopje a few months ago.

The VMRO-DPMNE leader has completed three textbook tasks in just 100 days of rule: betray Macedonia, offend Bulgaria, kiss Vučić... and bend down to the ground with his back towards Serbia - perhaps to put back in his pocket the dropped Bulgarian passport of Macedonian Energy Minister Sanja Bojinovska.

100 100% failures

Mickoski, a PhD in technical sciences, has cured any aching hope of the Macedonian citizens for a European future.

He raised his left hand against the fabricated and non-existent "Bulgarian dictate". With his hand, he signed an embarrassing contract with Orban. A 500 million euro loan from Hungary with a "Made in China" stamp.

The university professor set an example to his subordinates how to bend over backwards for Belgrade, Budapest and Moscow in a "patriotic" way.

The prime minister also played mathematician. Along with President Siljanovska and Foreign Minister Mucunski, he offered Brussels a "French plus proposal" and " delayed constitutional amendments". Both ideas failed completely, there is zero support for them in Europe.

From the soap opera with the flag in Sofia, to the childish outbursts of Mickoski against the EU, the whole continent laughed in the face of the Macedonian anti-European anti-patriots.

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel, took out his pen and wrote a poor grade on Mickoski's homework. The latter was instructed to strictly implement international treaties and agreements, including the Negotiating Framework, of which the Treaty of Good Neighbourhood with Bulgaria is part.

Moreover, Michel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen took a different decision on "delayed action" - Skopje's accession to the EU.

Albania was separated from North Macedonia because it fulfilled its obligations. But Bulgaria's south-western neighbour remains captive to state ideology and is jumping into the Russian-Serbian sphere of influence. Macedonia has a dispute with the entire EU, not with Bulgaria. The country is a long way from full membership of the bloc, not because of Sofia, not because of the lack of constitutional changes, but rather because the regime in Skopje is unwilling to take the deadly shackles of Belgrade off its neck.

Mickoski has threatened North Macedonia's future not only in the EU but also in NATO, directly discrediting and sabotaging the vital for the Alliance's military logistics transport Corridor 8.

Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Nikoloski's efforts in this direction are unceasing. Apart from the fact that he likes to call the Bulgarians " wretched", he dares to threaten the entire security system in the region. It is one thing to dislike the Bulgarians, it is another to play with fire at a time when a brutal war is being fought a few hundred kilometres away in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East seems unmanageable.

Forgetting one's own people is not unfamiliar to those Skopa politicians who celebrated the Serbian occupation of Macedonia on Mount Kaimakcalan, but did not say a word about the hero from Marseille, Vlado Chernozemski, who eliminated the Serbian tyrant Karadjordjevic on October 9 in 1934. 90 years later, Mickoski's VMRO is closer to the Serbian Radical Party than to the ideal of a free and independent Macedonia.

Mickoski's "allies" of Albanian origin have already issued the first warning.

"Without constitutional amendments Macedonia should not exist as a state", an Albanian MP from the ruling coalition said.

Sofia and Brussels should be careful. Dangers are looming and Mickoski's destructivism threatens North Macedonia's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Bulgaria was the first to recognise the Republic of Macedonia, let us hope it is not the first that has to defend it. | BGNES


Dimitar Ruskov, Head of International News, BGNES News Agency