Council of Ministers: Abandoning Corridor #8 weakens NATO's collective security

The Bulgarian government monitors with increasing anxiety statements and declarations of official representatives of the Republic of North Macedonia aimed at violating international commitments in the field of infrastructure connectivity, incl. by redirecting European funds for the construction of the rail component of Corridor 8 to another transport project. This is stated in the position of the Bulgarian government, BGNES reported.

We remind you that the Republic of Macedonia has repeatedly assumed and confirmed its commitment to the infrastructural connection of the two countries, including. Corridor 8 – for example in the Good Neighbor Treaty of 2017 and its Protocols of 2019 and 2022, the Memorandum of Understanding between Albania, Bulgaria and North Macedonia of October 2021, the joint declaration of Albania, Bulgaria, Italy and North Macedonia from November 2023, the declarations from the NATO Summit from July 2024, etc.

"Trans-European Corridor 8 is not just connecting the Republic of Macedonia with Bulgaria but aims to increase the geostrategic autonomy of the EU. It is also becoming a key logistics route along NATO's southern flank from the Adriatic to the Black Sea and is of great importance in the current geopolitical moment. The refusal to build the main components of Corridor 8 weakens the collective security of the Alliance", the Bulgarian government is categorical.

Sofia has repeatedly raised the issue of the construction of Corridor 8 at the highest level and successfully lobbied for the provision of European funds for its construction, incl. for RS Macedonia.

"Thanks to Bulgarian efforts, Corridor 8 is included in the scope of the European transport corridor "Western Balkans - Eastern Mediterranean" as a priority for the EU. At the end of 2023, the Kriva Palanka - Deve Bair section was designated by the EU as one of the six flagship projects of the "Global Portal" strategy and financed with over 500 million euros in grants and loans. The modernization and completion of the railway component of Corridor 8 on Bulgarian territory is part of the national program "Transport Connectivity 2021 - 2027", the statement said.

Sofia calls on the government of the Republic of Macedonia to approach responsibly and in good faith to all commitments and agreements with the aim of timely construction of the sections of the Trans-European Corridor 8 route on its territory. | BGNES