Burnabić in Banja Luka: Belgrade wants peace and stability between Serbs and Bosniaks

The Speaker of the Parliament of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, called for compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement in Banja Luka, "Danas" newspaper reported.

Addressing the solemn session of the Republika Srpska Parliament in Banja Luka, she said she wanted peace, stability and cooperation, calling for full compliance with the Dayton Peace Agreement.

"Serbia respects the Dayton Peace Agreement. Wherever Serbian citizens live, we want their rights to be respected. Those who publicly want the Dayton Agreement to be scrapped want unrest and trouble in the region," Burnabic said.


She added that Serbian President Vucic has always insisted on closer relations with Republika Srpska.


Burnabic recalled that Serbia has invested more than 100 million euros in various projects in Republika Srpska.


"Vucic has repeatedly said that only by building strong ties between Serbs and Bosniaks can we become stronger together. I am proud to be part of his team. He has always selflessly supported Republika Srpska and helped resolve the border issue between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina," she added.

The Chairperson also noted that the Serbian Parliament will soon ratify the Declaration of the All-Serbian Council, recently adopted by the Serbian Parliament. BGNES