Brussels: The Republic of North Macedonia will start negotiations with the EU when it accepts the constitutional changes

"The European Union is ready to conclude the initial phase of accession negotiations for North Macedonia as soon as the country fulfills its commitment to adopt the constitutional amendments in accordance with its internal procedures, as set out in the EU Council decisions of 18 July 2022." , states the adopted conclusions on enlargement, Ukraine and reforms from the EU summit.

The European Council calls on North Macedonia to accelerate the completion of these changes.

Brussels has confirmed its full and categorical commitment to the prospect of membership of the Western Balkan countries in the Union. EU leaders also called for speeding up the process of their accession to the bloc.

The European Council took note of the Commission's letter on the new growth plan for the Western Balkans, which aims to accelerate the socio-economic link between the Western Balkans and the EU on the basis of strict conditionality and encourages the region to accelerate the pace of EU-related reforms, and promote regional economic integration through a common regional market based on rules and standards.

The document also emphasizes that the European Council remains committed to promoting gradual integration between the EU and the region during the enlargement process itself in a reversible and merit-based manner.

"The European Council underlines that enlargement is a geostrategic investment in peace, security, stability and prosperity. It is a driving force to improve the economic and social conditions of European citizens, to reduce disparities between countries and must promote the values ​​on which it is founded The Union. In view of the prospect of further enlargement of the Union, both the future Member States and the EU should be ready at the time of accession. Work on both should go in parallel. Applicants for membership should increase their efforts to reforms, particularly in the area of ​​the rule of law, in line with the merit-based nature of the accession process," the conclusions state.

At the same time, according to European leaders, the Union needs to harmonize the necessary internal foundations and reforms, defining long-term ambitions and ways to achieve them and solving key issues related to its priorities and policies, as well as its capacity to act, thus the EU will become stronger and European sovereignty will be strengthened.

"As the Union expands, successful European integration requires that the bloc's policies are fit for the future and financed in a sustainable way, based on the values ​​on which it was founded, and that the EU institutions continue to function effectively. The European the Council will consider internal reforms at its upcoming meetings with a view to adopting by the summer of 2024 conclusions on a roadmap for future work," the text of the document states, noting that the European Council supports the conclusions of the General Affairs Council on the extension from 12 December 2023

The conclusions confirm that the leaders have decided to open accession negotiations for Ukraine and Moldova, and call for the adoption of the negotiating frameworks after "the appropriate steps set out in the relevant Commission recommendations of 8 November 2023 have been taken". .

With regard to Georgia, it is stated that a decision has been taken for the country and it has been granted the status of a candidate country for membership, and for Bosnia and Herzegovina it is stated that the European Council will open accession negotiations once it has achieved the necessary degree of compliance with membership criteria.

The part of the conclusions dedicated to Ukraine reiterates the EU's categorical condemnation of Russian aggression against Kyiv and reaffirms the bloc's unwavering commitment to continue providing strong political, financial, economic, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support to the country and her people, as long as possible, as necessary.

The European Council stresses the urgent need to speed up the supply of ballistic missiles and ammunition, especially within the framework of the initiative to supply 1 million artillery munitions, as well as to provide Ukraine with more air defense systems. "The European Union and its Member States, together with partners, remain committed to contributing to the implementation of security commitments in Ukraine that will help Ukraine defend itself, counter destabilization efforts and deter future acts of aggression." , the text also says.

The conclusions also confirm the EU's commitment to efforts to ensure the widest possible international support to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine, as well as the call for the use of frozen Russian funds to support the country and its recovery and reconstruction.

"Russia and its leadership must bear full responsibility for waging war against Ukraine and for other serious crimes under international law, as well as for the enormous damage it has caused. The European Council encourages further efforts to establish a tribunal to prosecute the crimes related to the aggression against Ukraine, which would enjoy the widest cross-regional support and legitimacy, as well as a future compensation mechanism".

The EU reiterates its call on Russia and Belarus to immediately ensure the safe return to Ukraine of all illegally deported and transferred Ukrainian children and other civilians, while calling for further strengthening of sanctions against Moscow and their full and effective implementation and condemning continued military support about Russian aggression by Iran, Belarus and North Korea.

The European Council emphasized the importance of security and stability in the Black Sea. It is vital that Ukraine's grain exports are sustainable and reach world markets. The European Council supports all efforts to facilitate the export of grain and other agricultural products from Ukraine to the most needy countries, especially in Africa and the Middle East./BGNES