Ali Ahmeti warns Mickoski: Stay in your lane, you’re still wet behind the ears

The leader of the Democratic Union for Integration (DUI) Ali Ahmeti warned VMRO-DPMNE Chairman Christian Mickoski "to stay in his lane", BGNES reports.

Ahmeti and the DUI held a rally last night in Macedonia Square in Skopje.

"Christian Mickoski grew up with pasties and biscuits! Christian, don't look for trouble and choose your words carefully, because you are still young and I will shut your mouth if need be," Ahmeti stressed.

"I grew up in a stone building that was burned three times by the enslavers. Christian - my people say: “A fortress is built stone by stone; trouble starts with a single word”. So don’t go looking for trouble. Don't cause mayhem, and choose your words carefully, because you are still young and wet behind the ears," the DUI leader said.

BGNES reminds that Bujar Osmani of the DUI is a presidential candidate. The first round of the presidential elections in North Macedonia will be held on Wednesday, April 24. The parliamentary elections will be held on 8 May, together with the second round of the presidential elections. /BGNES