Ali Ahmeti to the Macedonians: The Bulgarians will swallow you if you are not with the Albanians

"Macedonians as a nation can only progress in good communication, harmony and relations with Albanians. Otherwise, they will be absorbed by Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks."

This was stated by the leader of the Democratic Union for Integration /DSI/ Ali Ahmeti on the 23rd anniversary of the signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement, BGNES reported.

Ahmeti said that "state ownership, as it was considered in the 1990s, must be forgotten" because "together we are the owners and together we are the masters of both good and evil."

"And I am not telling you this only here, I told it to all the political representatives of the Macedonian community. Only with us, with cooperation and common life, Macedonians can preserve their history, and their national identity, otherwise, they are doomed to not exist. And so, let this be the commemoration of the 23rd anniversary of the Ohrid Peace Treaty, which has a special merit that this country was not divided, did not split because it did not accept the National Liberation Army /AOK/, but accepted a full agreement between the two communities and the small communities in their areas where they live. That's why we defend it, we fight that this treaty is neither violated nor threatened because it is salvation for Albanians and Macedonians as the two largest communities," Ahmeti said.

With a special event, DSI and the European Front coalition celebrated today the day on which the Framework Agreement was signed 23 years ago.

In parallel with the celebration, the government of North Macedonia held a solemn meeting, at which Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski and First Deputy Prime Minister Izet Medjiti spoke. | BGNES