Aleksandar Vučić started a confrontation with Greece as well

Dora Bakoyanni, sister of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Kosovo, managed to anger Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic within days.


Serbia's president told Bakojanni that she "should be ashamed of herself", saying that in three days she had fundamentally changed her mind about Kosovo joining the Council of Europe.


“Eh, misery, hell and shame. For her, the fact that the Serbs are exposed to brutal disproportionate force, that they are denied the right to use the Serbian language, nor the creation of the Association of Serbian Municipalities (ASO), nor the expropriation, nor the monastery of Visoki Dečani, "said Vucic in the address. to the nation on March 29.


A few days earlier, on the same issues, Bakojani also angered the head of Serbian diplomacy.


"She is not anyone, but from the Mitsotakis family, she is the prime minister's sister," Dacic pointed out. The minister considers Bakoyani's proposal to admit Kosovo to the Council of Europe "incorrect", "because Serbia was very fair to Greece".


Dora Bakoyanni was born on May 16, 1954 in Athens, then the Kingdom of Greece, to Marika and Konstantinos Mitsotakis, who is among the most popular prime ministers in the country's recent history, having been on the political scene since 1946. and ruled in the period 1990-1993.


At the age of 14, Dora Bakoyanni fled to Paris because of the coming to power of the military junta, and after its end in 1974, she returned to the Greek capital. She is one of the most recognizable faces in the New Democracy party of her brother and current Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Bakoyani was mayor of the capital Athens (2002-2006) and later foreign minister. Subsequently, she left the ND and founded the "Democratic Union".


Only a month ago (February 12), Vucic and Mitsotakis confirmed in Belgrade their common interests in the Balkans, defining bilateral relations as "fraternal". The Greek Prime Minister then emphasized that Athens is the biggest supporter of Belgrade on the way to the EU.


Serbia has threatened to leave the Council of Europe if Kosovo becomes a member, but Dora Bakojanni said "the protection of Serbian and other minorities will be better in the Council of Europe". /BGNES