A bomb exploded in the center of Athens

In the center of Athens, near the building of the Ministry of Labor, a bomb exploded last night and damaged the building, but no one was injured, Kathimerini reports.
Police and firefighters secured the area after the device was detonated at 1.29am local time, and the counter-terrorism unit is investigating the blast.
40 minutes earlier, an unknown person on behalf of the so far unknown organization "Revolutionary Class for Self-Defense" sent a warning to the "Ephimerida Ton Syntakton" newspaper that an explosive device had been planted near the ministry. In another call, a person said a bomb had been planted in front of a bank near the ministry. The newspaper immediately notified the police, who surrounded the place. State television ERT reported that the explosive device was in a bag placed on a fence in front of the bank building near the ministry. /BGNES